Everything you need to know about melatonin | Steroids4U.eu

Can melatonin act as a hormone to help you sleep, but can it also help with exercise and body building? Here you will find how the supplement is used, the forms, the dosage and the side effects. Melatonin is best known for its role in quality sleep, but it also helps you fall. Melatonin receptors […]

How to drink collagen because of the skin | Steroids4U.eu

Collagen used to be known only as a substance that is given by injection and should rejuvenate you for several years by filling in your wrinkles and lips. But recently it has changed and we are already drinking collagen. If you’re confused, let me explain. Collagen is a protein that our body produces naturally, helping […]

Lifetime benefits of exercise | Steroids4U.eu

Stop putting it off and start exercising! The benefits of physical fitness are too great to ignore.Feel younger, live longer. It’s not a slogan – it’s actually the benefits of regular exercise. According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, people with high levels of physical health have a […]

Abdominal exercises do not reduce fat on your abdomen | Steroids4U.eu

A new study looked at the effects of abdominal exercises on abdominal fat. Twenty-four healthy participants with a sedentary lifestyle were randomly assigned to either an abdominal group or a control group.The group with abdominal exercises performed 7 abdominal exercises, 2 sets with 10 repetitions, 5 days a week for a period of 6 weeks. […]

Dietary fats: How certain fats affect your heart | Steroids4U.eu

Have you ever wondered if you were at risk for heart disease by consuming fats? Let’s take a look at what science says about the risks associated with consuming fats!Disputes.Quarrels on Facebook.Really silly article titles like, “Eggs are as bad as smoking.”These are the things that come to mind whenever someone mentions the topic of […]

Side effects of taking collagen supplements | Steroids4U.eu

Collagen supplements and collagen peptides are currently very popular in the world of health and beauty. But what is collagen and what are its side effects? It is a family of fibrous proteins that serve as building blocks for the skin, bones, teeth, ligaments, tendons and other connective tissues, according to the National Institute of […]

What to eat before and after your workout | Steroids4U.eu

Pre- and post-workout nutrition can be extremely simple. Read this article to learn exactly what you should eat before and after your workout.For several decades, we all huddled in the corners of the gym and threw our training drinks at each other as a sacrifice to the god of increments. We had to get the […]

How to have premenstrual syndrome (PMS)? | Steroids4U.eu

About 25% of women of childbearing potential suffer from moderate to severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which occur 1-2 weeks before menstruation. The most common symptoms are irritability, anxiety, tension, mood swings, depression, bloating, breast tenderness, headache, swelling of the limbs and irresistible taste.Some women have very strong symptoms and therefore lean towards chemical treatment, […]

Rumors about BCAAs | Steroids4U.eu

Recently, a review was published in which the author described that BCAA supplements alone do not promote muscle anabolism and instead all essential amino acids (EAA) are needed to support muscle protein synthesis. To top it all off, the full title of this review was “BCAAs don’t work,” and so it still sounds on social […]

6 ways to help children eat healthily | Steroids4U.eu

While it may not seem like your children are listening to you, much of what they learn about how to live healthily comes from you. And because you care about a healthy life and are constantly learning, you can also help your children. We all know how important proper eating and eating habits are when […]