What does protein do in our body? | Steroids4U.eu

The most common supplement that most people try first is protein. Many of them use it for a long time because it is effective and also tastes great. But what really happens in our body, when we take protein, you can find out right here.
As you suddenly begin to exercise, lift heavy weights, and pursue your goals, you will also begin to think more about proteins and their amino acids than “building materials” for muscle growth. What actually happens when you take your post-workout dose of protein? The metaphor about building material will tell us only part of the story. In fact, one of the basic tasks of amino acids is to provide important biological and biochemical signals for growth and regeneration, especially after heavy exercise or sports performance. Here’s what you need to know about the role that protein plays in your quest for maximum muscle growth and maximum utilization between your intense workouts!

Tilt the anabolic scales in your favor!

During the day, two processes take place in your body, namely the synthesis of muscle protein in other words, anabolism or the breakdown of muscles called catabolism. Both processes are necessary so you don’t have to worry about catabolism, it’s a part of life. Your key to gaining muscle mass is to ensure that your time in anabolism exceeds your time in catabolism. This is known as “pure protein balance” or “pure protein synthesis”. If you do everything right, your pure protein synthesis will be positive. After taking a protein supplement, there is a short and strong period of elevated amino acids in the blood known as hyperaminocidemia, which stimulates more than normal amounts of muscle protein synthesis and anabolism. Guess what else stimulates amino acid levels? Hard training! It produces a deep anabolic response, especially when you consume protein before or after training (or in both cases). Many studies have confirmed that the most important component of this whole is the amino acid leucine.

Leucine is the key!

Leucine is one of the three branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). It acts as a signaling molecule to stimulate muscle growth by activating a strong anabolic process known as the mTOR pathway. The leucine contained in whey protein is one of the factors that promotes hyperinsulinemia, which means that it promotes higher levels of insulin in the blood and thus further increases anabolism and at the same time reduces the rate of catabolism. Leucine will help you increase your anabolism and eliminate your catabolism. In fact, the researchers concluded that the leucine content of any protein is what determines the muscle protein synthesis response that your body achieves. So, which protein has the highest leucine levels? Whey protein. This, as well as other benefits, is why whey remains the optimal protein after training. To optimize the amount of leucine you get from whey, look for products that offer at least 25 grams of protein per serving.

Take your protein to the next level

Much literature has concluded that whey protein promotes anabolism, increased strength, muscle, and also promotes fat loss. However, some research suggests that it may also have positive effects on gut health and immunity far better than other sources of protein. Of course, it’s all based on how your body can digest protein as efficiently as possible. Recent advances in protein technology, such as digestive enzymes, can help you here. When proteolytic enzymes are combined with a whey isolate, the result is a semi-ligated protein or a “hydrolyzed” protein. This can have several positive effects:
Hydrolyzed whey protein is absorbed faster from the small intestine than complete milk proteins.
Hydrolyzed whey protein stimulates plasma insulin twice as much as milk proteins alone. This should lead to reduced muscle breakdown and increased nutrient transfer to tired muscle (promotes increased regeneration).
Hydrolyzed whey protein causes the greatest availability of amino acids up to three hours after ingestion. In fact, this effect was 37% greater after the use of hydrolysed whey protein than after the ingestion of a complete milk protein supplement.
Research shows that when whey protein is combined with digestive enzymes, amino acid absorption increases to a rate of approximately 8-10 g per hour. So if you take 20-40 grams immediately after exercise, you should get a steady stream of protein for up to 2-4 hours after use.

And what about longer periods of time?

If you are looking for the most effective way to quickly get protein into your muscles, whey is the right choice. But what if you have longer periods of time ahead of you than, for example, before going to bed? There is currently no other source of protein on the market that provides more support in the supply of amino acids than high quality micellar casein.
Be careful not to confuse miceral casein with lower quality calcium caseinates. Micellar casein is the purest form of casein protein. Casein proteins are sensitive to pH, which causes them to thicken in the acidic environment of the stomach. The ability of proteins to form a gel in the stomach slows the rate of digestion of intact proteins, which ensures a sustained release of amino acids into the bloodstream. This unique property makes casein ideal for a nocturnal or long-term protein-free period. Taking only 30 grams of micellar casein has been shown to support incredible seven hours of maintained blood amino acid levels, reducing catabolism by 34 percent and increasing anabolism by 31 percent within seven hours of use. This article and many research shows that whey during the day and casein at night is the most ideal way to use it.
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